
18 Sept 2011

Done for today!

so I actually managed to base coat all the models, and even started shading some of them. I also had a fight with them against tyranids where they lost, but they did a good job before that too so.. here they are:


  1. oo I realized I failed, its tommorow now, but they were still done around 3 in the afternoon so it was today, just too late uploading..

  2. There's always yesterday somewhere on this world. And you're getting a somewhat reasonable sized force of those pointy eared xenos

  3. yes should be way over 2000pts now, the problem (maybe) is that I have two colour schemes on them, the bright white and this, when shaded a very dark grey-blue, have a unit of Hellions, Scourges and a Kabalite with archon unit painted white, and dont want to repaint them couse they look good and the took so long to do, well it looks both good and bad with a chees coloured army

  4. If you want to unite the colour scheme but don't wanna repaint them there's one option. Find a detail on each mini that you paint in the opposite colour. For example, grey helmets on the Kabalite Warriors and maybe white boards on the Hellions.

  5. yes, I think of grey armour with white helmets wll look great and vice versa on the ones that I already have painted white armour on, thanks for the tip:)
